The registration fees for the 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA'12) are listed below. All prices are in CAD and subjected to 13% HST (Harmonized Sales Tax):
Early Bird Registration
Prior to 15 May 2012
Students*: 400.00 + HST = 452.00
Non-Students: 600.00 + HST = 678.00
Regular Registration
Prior to 1 July 2012
Students: 450.00 + HST = 508.50
Non-Students: 700.00 + HST = 791.00
Late Registration
After 1 July 2012
Students: 500.00 + HST = 565.00
Non-Students: 800.00 + HST = 904.00
* Student
Identification will be Required on Registration Desk
Please note that registration fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
You may register for the ICNFA'12
by one of the methods below. Please click on one of the icons to
access the details of each payment method.
After the registration fee is paid, you should fill out and submit the form below. Failing to fill out this form
will result in the elimination of your registration. Please note
that if the registration has been done on behalf of another
person, the person attending the conference should fill out this