ICNFA2011 is now accepting
papers on the following topics through its OpenConf system.
Shall you have a paper on an additional topic, please write an
email to ICNFA2011@International-ASET.com
. The current topics are as follows:
Modeling and Simulation
Nanotechnology and Energy
Nanotechnology and Environment
Nanotechnology, Products and Markets
Nanomedical Applications: Drug Delivery,
and Tissue Engineering
Nanomaterials, Nanodevices: Fabrication,
Characterization and Application
Societal aspects of Nanotechnology:
Ethics, Risk Assessment, Standardization
Nanotechnology and Education
Nanotechnology and Agriculture
Nanotechnology and Polymer
Nanotechnology and Coating
Manuscripts are invited
for the 2nd International Conference on
Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications on topics lying
within the scope of the conference. All contributions must be
original and should not have been published elsewhere.
Two types of papers could be published in the conference
Full Papers
Extended Abstracts
you may choose to submit
either type based on the the weight of the contributions in your
Extended Abstracts must give a clear indication of the objectives, scope, and
results of the paper, and must contain an introduction, a
results and discussion, and a reference section.
Full Papers are limited to 4-8 pages and are more
descriptive of the work that you have done. Moreover, more
images, graphs, and results could be presented. Full Papers must
at least contain an abstract, an introduction, a results and
discussion, and a reference section.
Please note that a .doc template is available to guide the
authors in formatting their papers (Full Papers). For extended
abstracts similar formatting must be used.
Papers should be prepared in English and carefully checked for
correct grammar. Figures should be of high quality. To ensure
high scientific quality, all papers will be reviewed by the
Scientific Committee Members. All papers must be submitted in
electronic form using the web site of the conference.
Once the reviewing process is complete, the contact author of
each paper will be notified of the result, by e-mail. The
authors are required to follow the reviews in order to improve
their paper before their final submission.
All accepted full papers and extended abstracts will be published in the proceedings, under
an ISBN reference in a DVD-ROM support. Selected papers will
have the opportunity to be published in special issues at
International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials (IJNBM) after
peer review.
You may follow the link below to access the

All oral and poster papers must be presented by one of the
authors. At least one author must register for the conference
and pay the fee prior to June 15, 2011 in order for the paper to
be published in the conference proceedings and retained in the final program.
You may find the
conference template below:

MSWORD Template (.DOC)
In order to submit your
paper or access the reviewer system, please follow the link
The best student poster presentation chosen
by the Scientific Committee will be rewarded one year of online
subscription to Journal of Materials Chemistry. Journal of
Materials Chemistry is the first weekly journal in the
materials field. The journal is interdisciplinary, publishing
work of international significance on all aspects of materials
chemistry. Articles cover the fabrication, properties and
applications of materials, including nanoscience, synthesis,
structural characterization and modeling.
You may follow the link
below to access the Journal of Materials Chemistry

The corresponding authors
of accepted papers are required to fill, sign and return the
following copyright form in order to have their paper published
in the proceedings.

PDF Copyright Form (.PDF) |