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1 2012 Extended Deadline for Registration of Authors
22 2012 Opening Day of ICECS'12
The keynote information for the International Conference on Electrical and Computer Systems (ICECS'12) is as follows (to be updated):
- Dr. Pierre Payeur
University of Ottawa
- Dr. Roel Vertegaal
Queen's University
- Dr. H. Yanikomeroglu
Carleton University
Dr. Pierre Payeurreceived the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Université Laval, Quebec, QC, Canada, in 1999. Since 1998, he has been with the School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, where he is currently an Associate Professor and the Director of the Sensing and Modeling for Automation and Robotic Intelligence Research Group. He is also a founding member of the Vision, Imaging, Video and Autonomous Systems Research Laboratory and a member of the Sensing and Modeling Research Laboratory. He regularly serves as an external consultant for companies in industrial automation, sensing, and robotic applications. He is the author or a coauthor more than 70 technical papers and has supervised 40 researchers. He also regularly serves as a Reviewer for several journals and transactions in the fields of instrumentation and measurement, computer vision, and robotics. His research interests include machine vision, motion capture, probabilistic 3-D modeling, range data processing, tactile sensing, robot guidance, and teleoperation. Dr. Payeur is a member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, and the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec. He served as the General Chair for the IEEE International Workshop on Robotics and Sensors Environments (ROSE) in 2007 and 2008, as well as the Technical Program Chair and a Committee Member on more than 35 international conferences on instrumentation and measurement, computer vision, and robotics.
Topic of Keynote: Machine Vision and Automation, an Evolution Toward Cognitive Systems
Dr. Roel Vertegaal is one of Canada's top designers of interactive technologies, a scientist and musician. He is Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at the prestigious Queen's University in Canada, where he directs the Karim Rashid-designed Human Media Lab ( Roel is also President and CEO of Xuuk, Inc, a startup that founded the digital signage metrics industry, and directs the Computing and the Creative Arts Program at Queen's. Roel studied Electronic Music at Utrecht Conservatory in The Netherlands, and holds an MPhil in Computer Science and PhD in Human Factors. Amongst others Roel founded the alt.chi sessions at the annual ACM CHI conference and co-founded the Eye Tracking Research and Applications conference. Prof. Vertegaal pioneered the use of 2D spatial input for sound synthesis, eye tracking in user interfaces, Attentive User Interfaces for notification management, and NUI-style input via body, head and eyes. He also designed PaperWindows and PaperPhone, the world's first flexible paper computers, as well as the first non-flat UIs. His scientific contributions range from studies of the effect of eye contact on turn taking in group conversations to modelling the effects of streptococcal pathogens on collagen autoimmunity. He is currently workingon Organic User Interfaces: flexible and multi shaped display interfaces that allow industrial designers to embedded multitouch user interfaces into products of any shape.
Topic of Keynote: Organic User Interfaces: Designing Everyday Computational Things
Dr. Halim Yanikomeroglu is a Professor at the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. He is spending the 2011-2012 academic year at TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey, as a Visiting Professor. Dr. Yanikomeroglu's research interests cover many aspects of the physical, medium access, and networking layers of wireless communications with a special emphasis on the next-generation cellular networks. In recent years, Dr. Yanikomeroglu's research has been funded by the Canadian and international industry including Huawei, RIM, Telus, Samsung, and Nortel. He is the Principal Investigator of the largest academic project in Canada on next-generation cellular networks, funded by the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation and Huawei Technologies.
Dr. Yanikomeroglu is a recipient of the Carleton University Faculty Graduate Mentoring Award in 2010, the Carleton University Graduate Students Association Excellence Award in Graduate Teaching in 2010, and the Carleton University Research Achievement Award in 2009. Dr. Yanikomeroglu is a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society; he has given over 20 tutorials in leading international conferences on wireless technologies. He served as the Technical Program Co-Chair of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2004 and the Technical Program Chair of IEEE WCNC 2008. He was the General Co-Chair of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference held in Ottawa in September 2010 (VTC2010-Fall). He is the former chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Personal Communications (now called Wireless Technical Committee). Dr. Yanikomeroglu is a registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario, Canada.
Topic of Keynote: Moving towards 5th Generation Wireless Cellular Networks: The Emerging Concepts and Trends